Saturday, May 16, 2009

Good OLD Labour

It would seem that leopards never do change their spots and when it comes to our little Red Friends down at the Civic Centre, the old Trade Union ways are very much back in favour.

As many of you may know, at a recent full Council meeting it was decided that all Councillors should take a pay cut in view of the current state of the budget. At the time, the only squealing & squawking came from the Labour benches in opposition to this Conservative motion.

However, not to let matters rest, it now appears that certain Labour councillors are now refusing to attend meetings where they serve on scrutiny panels as they feel that they are no longer paid enough for the effort.

For the avoidance of doubt, this is part of their job, it’s one of the reasons that we have local councillors.

So having finally got confirmation of something that some of us have known for years: that the local Stalinists are only in it for the money, Tyler thinks it’s about time we have our own local expenses investigation.

I just wonder what we would find!!!!


  1. Good Lord - you tread on the ground that I worship and I agree totally

  2. Careful - it's quicksand.

  3. Anon 4.07 can you enlighten us maybe?
