Saturday, June 6, 2009

Reading - The Caring Council

Once again the true face of Labour is reflected in the policies of Reading borough Council.

As I am sure many of you read, gleefully reported in the Reading Pravda of 4th June, rather than give support to a woman so blighted with HIV that it effects her brain functions causing severe disabilities, our heroes in Redinski Square decide to hide behind the law in a quest to save money and absolve themselves from their duty of care to a disabled person in this borough.

‘A one off case,’ I hear you say.

Not a bit of it, when it comes to members of our community with disabilities, RBC keeps our learned friends very busy. I for one would love to see how much they are spending every year on ensuring that our most vulnerable citizens do not get the care to which that are entitled based on a point of Law.

‘We haven’t got the budget,’ comes the cry.

Of course they haven’t got the budget, it’s all spent of housing & supporting the 'can’t work, won’t work,' brigade.

But they vote Labour, don’t they!


  1. Reading Borough Council will always take the 'hide behind National Government' route where possible even when they get the legislation wrong and it means unfair treatment.

    You can't polish a turd or educate pork - RBC simply hate people (unless on benefits in which case - come on down).

  2. What a load of hateful twaddle this blog is

  3. Well true, when it comes to our little red friends down in Redinski Square, you do get a lot of hate, and certainly a great deal of twaddle.

  4. Anon: "what a load of hateful twaddle this blog is" - fuck off and go back to handing out soup to the undeserving - dickhead.

  5. Reading Borough Council operate a system whereby people on benefits (rightfully) get aid but if you're above the line - you just get the fines without any sympathy.

    Gideon - you generalise but I think you're right to a degree - Anon - as above, if you don't like it don't read it.

  6. Anonymous (above)

    My comments are not about people on benefits. It's the way that the Left Fascist RBC apply the rule: If you're not on benefits - you're not worth a shit and we'll get you on fines, penalties et al. RBC is incompetent, unfair and a money waster - change them all.

    Hello Wat.

  7. Hi Gideon

    I think there's a few people down at the Civic Centre taking us off the Christmas card list.

  8. Hello Wat

    We'd only be charged for the card in the next Council Tax increase. Thanks for the twitter 'follow' - enjoy Labour's humiliation this evening.
